Insurance Risk Advisory & Risk Management Sydney

Organisations today are facing increased complexity and challenges that require more resilience to realise their ambition.

Maple Insurance & Risk provides a range of risk management services to help our clients meet these challenges with confidence to allow them to realise their ambition.

All rewards have an element of risk and often the higher the risk, the higher the reward.

We believe management of risk is a strategic focus and an enabler to success, rather than a barrier.

We support our clients with strategic advice understanding the risk versus reward trade-off with ‘can-do’ attitude, not a can’t do approach.

Risk management services
Risk management services
  • Enterprise risk management
  • Outsourced insurance & risk management office
  • Business interruption
  • Operational risk due diligence
  • Risk retention analysis
  • Loss modelling and control
Enterprise risk management

Risk is part of all our lives, and we need to take risks to grow.

In our fast-paced world, the risks we must manage evolve quickly. We need to make sure we manage risks so that we minimise threats and maximise our potential.

Risk management involves understanding, analysing and addressing risk to make sure organisations achieve their objectives. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is an integrated and joined up approach to managing risk across an organisation and its extended networks.

We utilise the ISO/AS:31000 risk management framework to establish and agree the context of risk in your organisation, then use this framework to identify, analyse, evaluate, and treat risk in collaboration with you. 

Outsourced insurance and risk management office

Is your organisation growing and require some internal focus and control on insurance and risk management? Do you want to free up your/your executives time, but not sure you require a full-time employee?

We can act as an internal single point of contact to provide internal support and alignment to both the management team and the business units on all matters regarding risk and insurance. The function also develops work systems, processes, brings awareness and consistency across the group regarding risk and insurance.

Our approach is to:

  • Support the business and its operating units to develop, implement, manage, and monitor required strategies.
  • Facilitate effective insurance programs cover to optimise the organisations risk position and performance.
  • Work closely with the management teams to identify, analyse, assess, anticipate, and prevent financial, operating and safety risks that may potentially harm the enterprise.
  • Develop processes & systems for monitoring and managing the risks faced by the enterprise is necessary to ensure business continuity.
Business interruption

Many companies associate business continuity planning with disaster readiness. Even though the obvious scenarios like a fire and flood will impact how a company keeps running, businesses will encounter all sorts of internal and external challenges. These challenges can vary from keeping and retaining talent, disruption from suppliers and customers, supply chain failures, changing customer behaviours or even more mundane and predictable events.

A comprehensive business continuity and contingency process assesses an organisations failure point when under pressure and develops strategies to strengthen the failure point and minimise the impact of interruption to the business.

In this form of scenario planning, participants speculate on all the ways that internal weaknesses and external threats could prevent the business from achieving its objectives. A plan is developed for the continuity of the business and its survive to maintain its relationship with its customers.

We utilise the ISO 22301 business continuity management framework, which benefits your business by:

  • Identifying and managing current and future threats to your business.
  • Taking a proactive approach to minimising the impact of incidents.
  • Keeping critical functions up and running during times of crises.
  • Minimising downtime during incidents and improve recovery time.
  • Demonstrating resilience to customers, suppliers and for tender requests.
Insurance and risk due diligence

Risk is part of all our lives, and we need to take risks to grow as without risk, there is no reward.

However, it is important to understanding what risks may prevent a business from meeting its objectives. This is particularly important for businesses trying to understand their risks or for investors looking into a new business venture.

Insurance due diligence is a review of the current and historic insurance program of an organisation to assess its adequacy and identify any gaps in cover that may turn into a significant under-insured or uninsured liability, change in insurance costs, or financial exposure occurring from the past or present activities of the business.

Risk due diligence review focuses on the risks which may prevent a business from meeting its objectives, and then what are the formal and informal control measures in place to prevent them from occurring or becoming catastrophic.

A risk maturity assessment helps determine the maturity level of risk management within an organisation to guide strategic risk management focus.

Risk retention analysis

Risk is part of all our lives, and we need to take risks to grow. But how much risk can you accept or absorb and still meet business objectives?

Complete risk retention is the financing of risk with no outside financing option sought, for a business loss and damage because of a crisis, accident or other unexpected incident that can result in losses.

Retention is the assumption of risk that a business absorbs as opposed to transferring it to an insurer. This is commonly referred to deductibles or self-insurance, or by having no insurance at all.

In collaboration with our clients, we determine the extent to which a business can retain risks and the extent to which your business can comfortably absorb financial fluctuations in any given year.

Sales projections, cash flow requirements, shareholders’ profit expectations, loan covenants are all factors which influence an ability (and willingness) to assume risk or consider insurance given the exposures to a loss.

Loss modelling and control

Are you looking to gain useful trends and gain valuable insights from your loss data? Are you trying to understand what the likely expected losses are for the future?

We offer a statistical view and assessment of historical loss data to provide insights and assist with decision making or financial provisioning process. We also provide loss control solutions to identified trends.

Maple Insurance & Risk

Level 17, Angel Place
123 Pitt Street
Sydney NSW 2000
(02) 8329 0999

Maple Managed Risk Pty Ltd trading as Maple Insurance & Risk is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Insurance Advisernet Australia Pty Ltd. AFSL No. 240549.

Corporate Authorised Representative No. 1288279. Visit the Insurance Advisernet website.

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